2B ♥
You can't turn back, and you just can't stop.

For the longest time


This account looks dusty
Must have been a break.. hehe

How is all of you monkeys??!
As I've heard you is having fun in your new classes
But i hope that you still spare a thought for poor little 2b/10

I mass wish all the birthday babies of o-eleven happy birthdays.. dont worry kids.. think on the good side.. one more birthday ad in you go for NC16 movies... hehe

Have fun in your cohort camp.. in tk.. in your fishing lives..
Laugh when you can..
This i give to:
Sheryl Heng Xining
Andrea Ho Jia En
Hsieh Ming Jou
Jean Ng (sorry forgot your chinese name)
Who's number 5?!
oh.. Lau Si ling
Leong Yi yin
Maryam Joeb
Mavis Lim (?)
Desirene Neo Ting Yu
Atiqah Zakiah bte somethingsomething
Ono Kana (Where is she btw)
Clara Pang Jia Lei
Rachel Lau (who has found Royston of VS .. oops)
Ramyaasri d/o somethingsomething (we are still filing a police report for this missing person)
Aisyah somethingsomething
Yip Ning

and to all the macho dicks:
Achmad Mutamaqin
Abhishek Madeti
Ang Wei Jun(?) Javier
Cedric Choo Choo Jin Wei (?)
Zenedine Chew Ken Yu
Aloysius Choo somethingsomething
Chu Yuan Cheng
Who's 24?!
oh Chua Peng Hong Mycousin
Foon Hong Ming
Gabriel Tan Zhilong (who is heartbroken and plots to kill Royston of VS)
Haziq Yusoff bin Abdul Wahab (Hi)
Ho Jun Hui
Kwok Cheng Fhy (?)
Derrick Lee Wei Seng
Shawn Lee somethingsomething
Leong Zhi Wei
Liew Guoloong Gordie*
Shameer Ahamed
Mustafa something something
Nasrul Syamil something something
Nicholas AS-tono
Syazmeer Khan s/o Naseer Khan
Tan Jia Ting
Amoz Yee Jing Xian
Michah somethingsomethingsomething
* correction.. it's gordon
It's so fun and stressful trying to squeeze your names out from my memory hehe
but that's about it.. the 40 gendered beings who unwantedly ended up together

Till the next time somebody bothers to keep this alive..
this has been Marty

p.s. HI

Set the bar right above the stars.

Hiii awesome people!

I will miss you like crazy hmmmmmmmm. :-(
Omg don't want to separateeee, aaaah. I'm scared I won't like my new classmates as much as i love our class. They will like never compare to like how weird/crazy/awesome/cool/fun/retarded class like us!!!!
You'll miss all the crazy stuff we did together won't you ?!!
We'll laugh at Mrs Tey's monotonous voice, laugh at Miss Lee the rabbit face hehe. And switch off the mic when she isnt looking. Remember all those water fights we had hah, last year's bazaar and the class bbq last year!!! And eating stuff in class, i know last year i brought skittles to school everyday and zen always steal them HAHA. ooh you cannot forget gabriel's hot pants!!!! And we forever sleeping during miss tay's and miss chan's lessons. And bitching about how sucky shobi is haha. And how super unenthu we are when it comes to competitions and stuff haha but nvm we still cool ah. :-)
kkkk love you from clara & atiqah.

don't let it burn dowwwwn

wassup bitchezz!!!

Do you people want like class outing?!??!!?!?!
yeah so if we have a class outing what do you guys wna do ?!?!!
and whether you wna go. Yeah k cool. btw it isnt fun of it was or girls or all guys. So like should have boys and girls also ah. :-)

if you want something to be organized tag on the tagboard or sms me:
1) what activity you want
eg. movie, picnic, bbq, or whatever reasonable.

2) when you want it
eg. during december hols

3) your name, and dont put up some crap name like batman or what shizz.



Take a bow


1. Chu Yuan Cheng is the oldest in class, aged 15 (born on 18-1-95)

2. Hsieh Ming Jou is the matriach of the ladies, with 15 years of living! (at least she knows how to act her age)

3. Sheryl Heng Xining is the youngest, 14 this year, she was born on the 26 December Year of the rat.

4. Had students entered and left and some got lost: Ramyaasri left. Mavis left. Michah came. Shaun Ramesh flying kite.

5. Ms Chan was our form teacher last year. She had to be on leave for long and short breaks spanning throughout the year. We have had Ms Shobi and etc as temporary form teacher. Ms Ning Ning was our asst form teacher i think (I'd hate saying she was being extra last year, asking for attendance)

6. Well there was this failed awards list last year. No awards actually. hehehe.. it was sooned demolished and banned due to popular demand.

7. This year, we were a little sexist. Room was divided between girls and boys. Even music lesson did not escape.

8. We used to keep a file for the absentees

9. Most of us, unfortunately, dreaded the great Ms Lee... though I personally had nothing against her. (TIP: dont help her change marker ink-tubes.)

10. We had Basyir, Jia An, Valerie and Heather as our PSLs

11. Even in the first day, LIERBAG already started to chatter so much... seriously :D

12. Here are a few of our rumours:

You get my point.
I'm just kidding actually.

13. Most wanted list:
For bad things:
-You know who i'm Calling

For good things:
- Everyone else.

14. Gabriel/Syazmeer is the tallest in class (i think)

15. *cough*cough is the shortest (I seriously have no idea who)

16. We seem to have bad luck in P.E. nowadays... always have conflict

17. We had more than 10 absentees on the first friday of term III which happens to be more than 10% and during the H1N1 period, was very alarming. Fortunately, I was basent too (I was sent home on thurs.. i bet you got jealous and decided to stay at home too... hehehe joke)

18. (open ended; fill up yourself)

Thank you

Signing off,
Alicabo-Tamarra (RAMIL)
... .. .. ... ... ... ... ... O.o

Break free from your chain!

let's wait

No one's planning anything...
just hoping

I'm still hoping!

hmm.. still hoping lah

!@#$%^&* forget it!


Geography Notes for EOY 2010

Tanjong Katong Secondary School

For Secondary 2B



General Paper information:

1. 1. Total marks: 75

2. 2. Total duration: 1h 30 min

3. 3. NO map reading tested

4. 4. Basic techniques will be INFUSED into each question instead of being in a separate section

5. 5. Breakdown of paper:

- 1 Section:

- 15 marks each

- 1 question from each of the 5 topics/chapters will be tested


- Formation of weather elements such as rainfall (convectional rainfall), temperature (temperatures affecting temperature), wind (land and sea breezes)

- Weather instruments and how they are used, where they are placed; E.G. Maximum thermometer, minimum thermometer, Stevenson screen, rain gauge, Six’s thermometer, etc

- Know how to interpret and draw the climograph

TOPIC 2 – AGRICULTURE (Subsistence vs Commercial)

- Wet Rice: Inputs, Process, Outputs and Examples

- Plantations: Inputs, Process, Outputs and Examples


- Causes, consequences and solutions to over-population, young population

- CASE STUDY: One-child policy in China

- Causes, consequences and solutions to under-population, ageing population

- CASE STUDY: Singapore



- Causes (What gives out Chlorofluorocarbons/CFCs? How does CFC eat up the ozone layer?)

- Consequences (Skin cancers, Cataracts, etc)

- Solutions to reduce ozone depletion


- Causes (What human activities give out greenhouse gases? Why is there enhanced greenhouse effect?)

- Consequences (Rise in sea level, increase in malaria and etc)

- Solutions to global warming

(Focus most likely on OZONE DEPLETION)


- Air Pollution: Sources, effects and ways to reduce this type of pollution

- Water Pollution: Sources, effects and ways to reduce this type of pollution

(No need to memorise chemical symbols)

Reliability [Revision WS answers]

Tanjong Katong Secondary School

Secondary 2B

Revision – Reliability

Source A

A source by the Japanese newspaper Syonan Times

"It is hereby declared that the recent arrests of hostile and rebellious Chinese has been carried out. It goes without saying that they are indeed so called traitors. Thus, it is the most important thing to sweep away these disloyal Chinese elements and to establish peace and promote the welfare of the population."

Do you trust what Source A says about the Chinese population in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation? [6m]

Level 1 – Stating reliability/non-reliability. [1m]

Source A is not reliable; I cannot trust what it says about the Chinese population in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation.

Level 1 – Verifying reliability or not reliable based on provenance. [2m]

The source is written/produced by the Japanese for the Syonan Times. This newspaper was controlled by the Japanese, therefore probably written in the Japanese point of view.

Level 2 – Verifying reliability/not reliable based on the claims made in the source content. [3-4m]

Source A said, “Thus, it is the most important thing to sweep away these disloyal Chinese elements and to establish peace and promote the welfare of the population.” [3m] This is not true as the Japanese did not get rid of the Chinese to promote peace and welfare in the country, but used fear to maintain order.

Level 3 – Verify reliable or not based on contextual knowledge + purpose of the source [5-6m]

From my contextual knowledge, Japan was fighting a war with China at that time and the Japanese wanted to eliminate any Chinese who were suspected of being anti-Japanese. Many innocent Chinese were tortured and lives were lost. [5m]

The author was trying to justify the harsh Japanese treatment of the locals by claiming that it was done for the benefit of everyone.


The author was trying to justify the harsh treatment so that the locals would support Japanese’s actions against the Chinese. [6m]

♥ 1B'09 1B♥
January babies
Yiyin-18♥ Yuancheng-18♥ Maryam-21♥ Rachel-30♥

February babies
Andrea-3♥ Michah-24♥ Ning-26♥

March babies
Nasrul-1♥ Mustafa-9♥ Aishah-9♥ Shameer-12♥ Gordon-27March♥

April babies
Syazmeer-2♥ Derrick-30♥

May babies
Hongming-9♥ Chengfhy-10♥ Atiqah-24♥

June babies
Amoz-19♥ Jean-29♥

July babies

August babies
Aloysius-12♥ Gabriel-29♥

September babies
MingJou-9♥ Zhiwei-15♥ Junhui-17♥ Javier-23♥

October babies
Nicholas-2♥ Zenedine-12♥ Haziq-16♥ Kana-19♥

November babies
Siling-4♥ Abhishek-5♥ Achmad-20♥

December babies
Cedric-3♥, Jia Ting-23♥ Clara-24♥ Desirene-24♥ Sheryl-26♥

  • more outings(:

  • class tee (already have)

  • nicenice 2B teachers ^^V

  • awesome year ahead

  • Mother Land Facebook Group Facebook Page one-A one-C one-D one-E one-H too-A too-gee Aishah Amoz Andrea Atiqah Clara Desirene Derrick Javier Jean mar+y Mr Soh Ning Si Ling Yiyin My Twin

    10/09 11/09 12/09 01/10 02/10 03/10 04/10 05/10 07/10 08/10 09/10 10/10 02/11

    Three cheers for five years.
    - Mayday Parade

    Designer: Scribbles-love/{♥}